Google Fiber Case Study #1: Phone services at renovated mixed-use building downtown
Jay Tomlinson, developer of an apartment/retail/condo building at 1515 Walnut in Kansas City, had Google Fiber installed in all the residential and retail spaces in the building.
He turned to Avid to provide phone service in his condo and for the various phone line requirements associated with the building itself, including elevator line and fire system.
Avid has also consulted on an upgrade of the building’s wifi network and has provided cordless phone sets.
The voice and other analog phone lines are all carried over the Google Fiber network and are served by Avid’s central office located in Downtown Kansas City. Our testing of those lines show that they are highly reliable and high quality connections owing to the high capacity of the Google Fiber connection and the low transmission delay between the building and Avid’s central office (for the technically inclined: latency of less than 10 milliseconds with 0% packet loss).
The setup saves Jay about $100 per month compared to procuring those services from AT&T.