What’s in a name?
By David Scott, Managing Member at Avid Communications
When Avid launched its managed service business, we wanted to keep it distinct from our existing business for the sake of not stepping on the toes of our valued managed service partners. So, we named it True Owl.
Avid was then using an owl as its logo (named “Omie” the owl became both a logo and a mascot), and so there was a not-too-subtle connection between the two organizations. But they were distinct brands.
Shortly thereafter, Avid became a part of ALLO Communications, and plans were laid to operate under the new name: ALLO Business. With that, True Owl became ALLO Business and began providing a bundle of services called ALLO Business Technology Solutions.
If this gives you whiplash, think of the poor souls who work here, and just how many sets of work shirts they now own! And while Omie has entered retirement at the local zoo, he still holds a fond place in our hearts and memories.
Through all of these changes, the goal of True Owl or Tech Solutions or whatever you want to call our team has remained the same: to provide trusted services and great value to our clients while ensuring that their technology gives them a competitive advantage.
We’ve made first-class desktop support affordable for businesses of any size. We assign a team of experts to each of our clients so they get the support they need across a broad array of services: from systems to computers to networks to phones, with a passion for security infusing all that we do.
We are here to help. Let us know if you need help!